Language used VB.NET
Technologies used .NET Framework, GDI Plus
Brief Description Enhanced TV adds informational graphics to a TV broadcast of a race, showing them in real time what is happening in the cars.
Full Description Enhanced TV adds informational graphics to a TV broadcast of a race. It shows viewers more information about what is happening in the cars as they race. It pulls data in real time from car telemetry and the AMB stream, showing selected statistics in a graphical format on the screen overlaying the broadcast video.
At the right side of the screen is an area that is used for real-time graphic displays, typically “power meter” dynamic bar charts. These graphs can show a single car or compare two cars. In future versions, the two cars might be synchronized via time-shifting in order to compare the cars at the same points of the race track.
At the bottom of the screen is an area for text information. This might be the “key” for the graph, showing driver names for each car number, or it can be used for other informational displays, such as general race information or track conditions.

An operator interface allows the broadcaster to quickly choose the graphics and/or text mode, along with the desired cars and information to display.

Interfaces exposed none
Coolest part part Using GDI Plus to generate the graphs, and developing the application to run on two monitors.
Source Files frmDriverSelect.vb This form is used to select drivers and the graphics mode
  frmSpeedometer.vb This form displays the graph of the selected parameters
  Click here for source code, subject to the End User License Agreement.