Language used VB.NET
Technologies used .NET framework, XML web service, MS access, ASP.NET, OLE DB, Ultra WebGrid 1.0
Brief Description Leaderboard gives a continually updated, real-time summary of interim race results. It shows current standings of all cars, as well as additional information about each car, such as best lap, pit status, etc.
Full Description Leaderboard gives a continually updated, real-time summary of interim race results. It shows current standings of all cars, as well as additional information about each car, such as best lap, pit status, etc.

Implementation This application has three components – web application, web service and console program. The console program communicates with the Race Remoting Server to get the updated race data and stores it into an MS Access database. The web service reads the database and returns that data to the calling web application. The web application displays the race data. The race data gets updated in the web page without posting the page back to the server.

Interfaces exposed Web service: GetData(Name) As String: This function is called by the client web application to fetch data from the database. It returns the string containing all the data.
Coolest part Making the web application update the race data in the grid at a specified frequency without posting page back to the server. Client side code also handles keyboard events to show details on UI.
Source Files LBModule.vb. This console application establishes socket connection with the server API to get the data of the running race. It stores that data into MS Access database.
  LeaderBoardData.asmx This web service reads the database updated by LBConsole program, generates the string and returns it to the calling web application
  LeaderBoard.aspx This is the main web page where race data is shown using UltraWebGrid. It uses a timer to call web service function for updating grid data.
  (check back for downloadable source files)